Google Calendar is improving what information’s available when you create events on shared calendars.
Users with “Make changes to events” permissions will now be able to see all the people a calendar is shared with.

A good calendar app will help you keep track of all that’s going on in your life, but they get really powerful when we start linking up our own schedules up with those of friends, family, and colleagues. Google Calendar already offers plenty of tools for creating and working with shared events, and today we’re hearing about a small but easy to appreciate improvement that’s looking to remove a little ambiguity from that process.

The issue Google’s looking to address concerns a small oversight in how Calendar grants permissions to perform actions, versus the rights Calendar provides to see information about other users. So far, anyone with the “Make changes to events” permission has been able to create new events on shared calendars, but when they did so, they wouldn’t know the identities of everyone else who could now see this event — all the other people that same calendar might have been shared with.


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