Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE and Galaxy Tab A7 Lite were launched in India on Friday. Both tablet models were launched in May in the European market, and have now made their way to India.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE runs Android 11 and features a 12.4-inch WQXGA (2,560×1,600 pixels) TFT display. It is powered by n Snapdragon 750G SoC. It comes with up to 6GB RAM and up to 128GB onboard storage that is expandable via a microSD card (up to 1TB). For photos and videos, there is an 8MP camera sensor on the back and a 5MP selfie shooter at the front.
For connectivity, the Galaxy Tab S7 FE comes with LTE, Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth v5.0, GPS, and a USB Type-C 3.2 Gen1 port. You get dual stereo speakers tuned by AKG with support for Dolby Atmos. The Galaxy Tab S7 FE is backed by a 10,090mAh battery that supports 45W Super Fast Charging, though the charger is sold separately.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite runs Android 11 and features an 8.7-inch WXGA (1,340×800 pixels) TFT display. Under the hood, the tablet is powered by an unnamed octa-core SoC. It comes with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of onboard storage that is expandable via a microSD card (up to 1TB). In terms of optics, there is an 8MP camera sensor on the back and a 2MP selfie shooter at the front.
Connectivity options on the Galaxy Tab A7 Lite include LTE (optional), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.0, GPS, 3.5mm headphone jack, and a USB Type-C port. It comes with dual stereo speakers with Dolby Audio. The tablet packs a 5,100mAh battery with support for 15W fast charging and the charger is sold separately.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE is priced at Rs. 46,999 for 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant and Rs. 50,999 for the 6GB +128GB variant while the Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite costs Rs. 14,999 for the 3GB + 32GB model that comes with LTE support. The Wi-Fi model with the same configuration costs Rs. 11,999.
Both tablet models will be available for purchase via, Samsung Exclusive Stores, as well as leading online and offline retail partners from June 23.