Fire-Boltt Agni smartwatch has been launched in India with handy features such as blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) tracking and menstrual reminders. The smartwatch has a metal-based rectangular-shaped dial and a traditional buckle closure.

The new Fire-Boltt Agni is IPX7-rated water-resistant and offers over 200+ cloud-based watch faces. There’s 24×7 heart rate monitoring and SpO2 monitoring support. It features a 1.4-inch HD touchscreen color display with 2.5D curved glass and 400nits brightness.

The wearable can last for up to eight days of typical usage and up to 30 days of standby use. The wearable can be fully powered up within 2 hours. Inbuilt features include a step tracker, calories burnt, distance traveled, sleep monitoring, remote music control, and sedentary reminders.

Another key health-related feature of the Fire-Boltt Agni smartwatch is a Menstrual Reminder that can help women in keeping a track of periods, cycles, ovulation, and fertile days, thereby letting them lead a more planned and regulated life. The smartwatch comes with multiple sports modes as well.

The new Fire-Boltt Agni smartwatch is priced at Rs. 2,999. It comes in Black and Pink strap options. The wearable will be exclusively available via Reliance Digital retail stores across the country and also through the Reliance Digital online store. Fire-Boltt Agni comes with a one-year warranty and is listed on the online e-commerce site with EMI options.


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