Redmi 10 Prime will come with an octa-core MediaTek Helio G88 SoC, Xiaomi India Managing Director and Global Vice President Manu Kumar Jain confirmed on Friday. The chipset was unveiled in July and first featured on the Redmi 10 that launched earlier this month. The smartphone is speculated to come as a rebranded Redmi 10 that was launched globally earlier this month with the same MediaTek Helio G88 SoC.
Manu Kumar Jain has tweeted an image to confirm that MediaTek Helio G88 will power the Redmi 10 Prime. The executive also mentioned that the new phone will be a “significant upgrade” over the Redmi 9 Prime and Redmi 9 Power.
Considering that the speculation of it being a rebranded Redmi 10 is gathering steam, the Redmi 10 Prime will likely include a 6.5-inch FHD+ AdaptiveSync display with a 90Hz refresh rate and a quad rear camera setup featuring a 50MP primary sensor, along with an 8MP selfie camera sensor at the front. It may also include a 5,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging and 9W reverse wired charging.
Alongside the Redmi 10 Prime, Xiaomi is launching its new true wireless stereo (TWS) earbuds on September 3. The earbuds are likely to be the Redmi AirDots 3 that initially arrived in China earlier this year.