Battlegrounds Mobile India – commonly known as BGMI – is celebrating Ganesh Chaturthi with gamers in the country by offering them special permanent rewards. The battle royale game has introduced new missions that the players need to complete to win new in-game apparel for their avatars.
Announced through a post on Instagram, the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations and its perks are currently live on Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) and will go on till September 21.
There are three new missions that gamers need to complete to get permanent rewards in the game. One of the most prominent rewards is a wild elephant print t-shirt to commemorate the Ganesh Chaturthi festival that the gamers can flaunt on the virtual battlefield.
Gamers completing all three missions will get the specially designed t-shirt for their character. There will also be a couple of other virtual rewards for the winners — Classic crate coupons and in-game currency.